

Dear colleagues, I have asked Arvin to forward this email to you as I have found the information beneficial.
As a member of the United States Port of Los Angeles Legal And Business Strategies for Import and Export to and from Asia, mainly China Hong Kong And Taiwan, I have had the chance to hear a few things that I believe are commonly mistaken by many Oriental Medicine Doctors and vendors of Oriental Medicine Supplies.
This time I only share two items with all of you to please keep into consideration when prescribing,making or sling to patients and any other person.
Item no. 1
As a vendor, Never open an account for anybody who has either handed you a business card or had you sign in your name during a n event such as a seminar, unless that person has FORMALLYapplied or requested for an account with your company. This is to protect consumers from being shuffled in within Asian bank account and sellers permits information.The information is often hacked and unless you have formal request you can be held accountable for having a person’s name associated with an account nber on your list of consumers.
I was contacted by an alumni who has opened a wholesale account under my name and has disclosed to me via email an account nber, which I have never applied for or formally requested. To open a wholesale account a vendor must have what is considered an ‘Informed Consent’.

Item no. 2
Every bottle or pack of herb you sell or give to a patient must be carrying a tag for the proposition or propositions listed by the state of California concerning lead and/ or cancer causing agents. You can look these up online. This includes prepared medicines as capsules and powders as well as raw herbs and extracts.
It’s better to CROSS REFERENCE
All herbal medicines as in EVERY SINGLE HERB in your formula, with their functions, cautions and contraindications, according to the list available to western medical doctors, hospitals and clinics at large.
During the last seminar, I was handed as a gift a bottle of capsules which contained one ingredient, known to md’ sand hospital ER’s to be HYPERGLYCIMIC. That I formation was not on the LABEL of the capsules bottle!
If this capsule is given to anyone who the. Goes to the hospital or a clinic for ANY REASON, and is diabetic or hypoglycemic, the md or ER technician even immidiately looks up EVERY medicine and supplementthat the person has taken within the last 72 hours often, and when the herbal medicine is found to have no caution label the vendor can be held accountable.
These two items are for now what I like to share.
We all know of course that acupuncture needle suppliers are also now required to have a significant number of changes in how they sell needles and what kinds of needles can be sold. They are also required by the U.S. To have a separate license for selling acupuncture needles. The U.S. Is beginning an all out policing of Oriental Medicine material and practice in general and to better protect the physicians of oriental medicine and the suppliers and vendors of oriental medical herbs and supplies, it is the responsibility of every one of us to better inform ourselves and our clinic staff and university classrooms and seminar attendees of these ever changing and very important LAWS.
Thank you and with honor and pleasure:
Dr. Hoda Meisamy
Diplomat in Oriental
Medicine SBU 2003